
Here’s What We Learned From Our First Year Of Blogging As A Couple


Apple Picking Blogging CoupleWe can’t believe it’s already been one year of officially blogging as a couple. When we first dreamed up this idea we knew we wanted to share our message with the world and document our tips, memories and advice. It’s been an awesome journey so far and we are looking forward to even more exciting and helpful blog posts to share with you all.

In honor of our one year blogging anniversary we thought we would share what we learned so far on this venture this past year:


You can blog from anywhere if you really want to.

As we’re writing this we are currently sitting in a Home Depot parking lot getting materials to build a bench for our next blog post. The super cool and convenient thing about blogging is the fact that you can write from anywhere you really want to. Sometimes the ideas for a post float in your mind and the best thing to do in that moment is to write it down before you forget it. Another thing is that it gives you something to do when you are sitting doing nothing or waiting around for something or someone. Instead of scrolling through social media feeds again, you can write.


Consistency is key.

When we were talking about starting this creative venture, we came up with a weekly posting schedule. As we first started, we quickly realized that that frequency wasn’t going to work with our current lifestyle. We both work full time and live near our families and there are other things we love doing other than blogging. It was important for us to strike a blogging-life balance, so to speak, and that’s when we committed to doing a post biweekly, and so far it’s been the perfect balance. Having that biweekly deadline has helped us realize the importance of being and staying consistent not just in blogging but in other aspects of life.


Social media life isn’t at all perfect.

We knew this before we started blogging but the message really hits home when you start posting pictures of yourself that can be perceived as you living a perfect life. We have become more aware of what we put out online and how that can be interpreted. We want our audience to see us a fun, adventurous couple who is willing to take risks and continuously create the lives they love living, but at the same time, we are human and not everything is rosy all the time or perfect. We want to recognize our imperfections and see what growth is in it for us. The goal is progress, not perfection.


You’re not always inspired.

Some people have asked us if we always have an idea for a blog post and the thing is we have a ton of ideas, but in the moment, it can be difficult to narrow down exactly what you want to talk about that week. We try our best to have a mix of things we enjoy doing and things we think will best benefit our audience. Fortunately, we haven’t been put in that situation where we just put up a blog post for the heck of it, and hopefully we never will. We want to stay authentic to who we are and the message we are trying to put out in the world and we hope that that shines through in what we have already published.


It’s up to you to make it fun.

Like in everyday life, you are in control of your happiness. From the start, we wanted this blog to be a source of creativity, fun and bonding, and so far it has been. It has also been a source of growth for us both — we’ve been challenged to step out of our comfort zones and explore new areas of ourselves.

We hope that our blog posts in this last year have inspired you in one way or another. We’d love to hear from you on what type of blog posts you enjoyed reading the most. Share with us in the comments below and thank you for reading our words and being a part of our wild world.